Today, I am off to Salzburg for the SimStat 2019 workshop, or more formally the 10th International Workshop on Simulation and Statistics, where I give a talk on ABC. The program of the workshop is quite diverse and rich and so I do not think I will have time to take advantage of the Hohe […]
Category: Running
temples on Mount Koya
trailers versus mountaineers?
A slight altercation in a swimming corridor during lunch put me back into this Le Monde paper I read yesterday about (real?!) mountaineers being annoyed at trailers, especially those currently running the Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB). A lady stopped me from going further for not crawling as this was a “crawl only” lane and […]
sunrise on Tenjikuyama [jatp]
hiking the Kumano Kodo Nakahechi imperial route
The Kumano Kodo is a network of paths of pilgrimage towards places seen as sacred by either buddhists or shintoists (or syncretists!) from the 700’s. Meaning for non-believers a well-established system of ancient hiking paths in the mountainous forests of the Kii peninsula, south of Osaka, Kyoto and Nara. Apart from the potential dangers of […]
the unsinkable…
O’Bayes 19/4
Last talks of the conference! With Rui Paulo (along with Gonzalo Garcia-Donato) considering the special case of factors when doing variable selection. Which is an interesting question that I had never considered, as at best I would remove all leves or keeping them all. Except that there may be misspecification in the factors as for […]
O’Bayes 19/2
One talk on Day 2 of O’Bayes 2019 was by Ryan Martin on data dependent priors (or “priors”). Which I have already discussed in this blog. Including the notion of a Gibbs posterior about quantities that “are not always defined through a model” [which is debatable if one sees it like part of a semi-parametric […]
running after my plane
A bit of a hectic trip to Abidjan last Sunday, starting from Caen in the early morning where I was supporting my daughter, wife, mother, and mother-in-law for the annual Rochambelle women-only 5k race on the previous evening! With my daughter managing a fantastic 52nd position and ending up first of her category! As I […]
O’Bayes 2019 has now started!
The O’Bayes 2019 conference in Warwick University has now started, with about 100 participants meeting over four days (plus one of tutorials) in the Zeeman maths building of the University. Quite a change of location and weather when compared with the previous one in Austin. As an organiser I hope all goes well at the […]
last call for O’Bayes in Warwick
This is a last call for late participants or would-be participants to the O’Bayes conference at the end of the month, in Warwick on 28 June – 02 July, and right after the BNP 12 conference. Posters can still be submitted to me and registrat…
ABC in Grenoble, 19-20 March 2020
The next occurrence of the “ABC in…” workshops will take place in Grenoble, France, on 19-20 March 2020. Both local organising and international scientific committees have been constituted and the program should soon be constructed, along with calls to contributions launched at the same time. As in most earlier versions of the workshops (ABC in […]
Calanques, calanques [aka 40/40]
the true meaning of ABC
ciao di Roma [jatp?]
impressions, Barbizon [jatp]
La Fenice in blu, bianco e rosso
Stein’s method in machine learning [workshop]
There will be an ICML workshop on Stein’s method in machine learning & statistics, next July 14 or 15, located in Long Beach, CA. Organised by François-Xavier Briol (formerly Warwick), Lester Mckey, Chris Oates (formerly Warwick), Qiang Liu, and Larry Golstein. To quote from the webpage of the workshop Stein’s method is a technique from […]
Stein’s method in machine learning [workshop]
There will be an ICML workshop on Stein’s method in machine learning & statistics, next July 14 or 15, located in Long Beach, CA. Organised by François-Xavier Briol (formerly Warwick), Lester Mckey, Chris Oates (formerly Warwick), Qiang Liu, and Larry Golstein. To quote from the webpage of the workshop Stein’s method is a technique from […]