Category: conference

off to Cambodia

Today, I am off to Cambodia for a small conference on Data Science and Finance, mostly finance, actually!, put together by a group of French and Cambodian colleagues and taking place in Siem Reap near the fabulous temples of Angkor Wat. Expect pictures in the following posts if I manage to stand the heat and […]

O’Bayes 19: registration and travel support

An update about the O’Bayes 19 conference next June-July:  the early registration period has now opened. And there should be funds for supporting early-career researchers, thanks to Google and CNRS sponsorships, as detailed below: Early-career researchers less than four years from PhD, are invited to apply for early-career scholarships. If you are a graduate student, […]

O’Bayes 2019: poster deadline extension

For potential participants to the ISBA O’Bayes 2019 conference in Warwick next June 28 – July 02, that is, almost everyone except the participants who have already submitted!, this post is to announce that the deadline for poster submission has just been extended till March 15, to account for BNP 12 potential participants having not […]

plenary speakers for BayesComp 20[20]

As a co-chair of the incoming ISBA BayesComp 2020 in Gainesville, Florida, 7-10 January 2020. I am very glad to broadcast that the four plenary speakers for the conference are David Blei (Columbia U) Paul Fearnhead (U Lancaster) Emily Fox (U Washington) Max Welling (U Amsterdam) There will soon be a call for contributed sessions, […]

O’Bayes 2019: speakers, discussants, posters!

The program for the next O’Bayes conference in Warwick, 28 June-02 July, 2019, is now set. Speakers and discussants have been contacted by the scientific committee and accepted our invitation! As usual, there will be poster sessions on the nights of 29 and 30 June and the call is open for poster submissions, until January […]