Pharmacometrics meeting in Paris on the afternoon of 11 July 2019

Julie Bertrand writes:

The pharmacometrics group led by France Mentre (IAME, INSERM, Univ Paris) is very pleased to host a free ISoP Statistics and Pharmacometrics (SxP) SIG local event at Faculté Bichat, 16 rue Henri Huchard, 75018 Paris, on Thursday afternoon the 11th of July 2019.

It will features talks from Professor Andrew Gelman, Univ of Columbia (We’ve Got More Than One Model: Evaluating, comparing, and extending Bayesian predictions) and Professor Rob Bies, Univ of Buffalo (A hybrid genetic algorithm for NONMEM structural model optimization).

We welcome all of you (please register here). Registration is capped at 70 attendees.

If you would like to present some of your work (related to SxP), please contact us by July 1, 2019. Send a title and short abstract (