Le Monde puzzle [#1086]

A terse Le Monde mathematical puzzle in the optimisation mode:

What is the maximal fraction of the surface of a triangle occupied by an inner triangle ABC where Abigail picks a summit A on a first side, Berenice B on a second side, and then Abigails picks C on the third side, towards Abigail maximising and Berenice minimising this surface?

Which I first tried to solve by pen & paper, completing another black block for the occasion, as coding the brute force R version sounded too painful:

leading me to conclude that, for a rectangle triangle (although the result sounds independent of this feature), the optimum was the middle triangle, weighting one-fourth of the original surface. Reprogramming the question in the plane to Angkor produced the same output, modulo my approximation of the triangle continuum with a 200×200/2grid: